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1×61 Круглый стальной канат

1×61 Круглый стальной канат

The designation “1×61” indicates that the rope consists of a single strand of 61 wires. This construction provides high tensile strength and durability.

1. Тип веревки: Однопрядный стальной трос
2. Веревочная конструкция: 1X61
3. Диаметр: 10mm~54mm
4. Номинальная прочность на разрыв: 1570МПа~1770МПа
(Настраиваемая прочность на разрыв в соответствии с конкретным применением и условиями эксплуатации.)
5. Приложение: It is used in large-scale field structure parts, suspension cables and tension tower. Stadium structural parts, подвесные тросы, члены напряженности, канатные дороги, и т. д.
6. Соответствие международным стандартам обеспечивает стабильное качество и производительность..


1×61 galvanized round strand steel wire rope refers to a specific structure of wire rope consisting of one wire rope and 61 отдельные провода. The following are typical characteristics of 1×61 трос:

> Construction: The designation “1×61” indicates that the rope consists of a single strand of 61 wires. This construction provides high tensile strength and durability.
> Сила: Due to its single-strand design and large number of wires, 1×61 wire rope has excellent strength properties, making it suitable for heavy-duty lifting and rigging applications.
> Гибкость: While not as flexible as wire ropes with more strands (such as 7×7 or 7×19 строительство), 1×61 wire rope still provides reasonable flexibility for a variety of rigging configurations.
> Устойчивость к коррозии: 1×61 wire rope is usually making of galvanized steel or stainless steel and has good corrosion resistance to ensure longevity and reliability, especially in outdoor or marine environments.
> Приложения: 1×61 wire rope is using industries such as construction, добыча, marine and transportation that require high strength and durability. They are also commonly using for lifting, подъем, towing and anchoring heavy loads.

Технические характеристики

Unparalleled Strength: Our 1×61 wire rope is constructed from a single strand containing 61 individual wires for superior tensile strength. It’s designed to handle heavy loads with ease, giving you the confidence you need for lifting and rigging operations.

Size Range: 1×61 Construction wire ropes are available in a variety of diameters. So as to meet with different load capacities and application requirements.

Номинальный диаметр троса
Приблизительная номинальная длина, масса
Номинальная прочность на разрыв
Минимальная разрывная сила троса


1×61 wire ropes find application in industries such as construction, добыча, marine, и транспорт, where high strength and durability are required. They are commonly used for lifting, подъем, буксировка, and anchoring heavy loads.

Construction: Ideal for crane operations, lifting heavy materials and securing loads on construction sites.
Mining: Ideal for lifting equipment, transporting materials and support structures in mining operations.
Ships: Suitable for safely mooring, towing and anchoring ships in ports or offshore locations.
Транспорт: For securing cargo, pulling trailers, and other transportation-related tasks.

Кроме, Конструктивные части стадиона, подвесные тросы, члены напряженности, канатные дороги, и т. д..

Производственный процесс

Manufacturing 1×61 wire rope involves several complex steps to ensure its strength, durability and reliability:

Wire Drawing: Make sure the wire has the required diameter and tensile strength required for the wire rope.
Скрутка: For 1×61 трос, with a single wire as the core, 61 individual wires are helically twisting together to form a strand.
Термическая обработка: Wire rope may undergo a heat treatment process to enhance its mechanical properties.
Обработка поверхности: Surface treatments such as galvanizing or coating applying to provide corrosion and wear resistance.
Inspection and Testing: Strict quality inspection.
Packaging and Shipping: Packaging and shipping to destination according to customer requirements.

Образец упаковки

Стандартная экспортная упаковка: Деревянная катушка / Стальная колесная катушка

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Почему выбрали нас?

Tell us your specific needs, and we will help you solve the remaining problems. Aiming to provide you with high-quality products and reliable services:
1. Богатый опыт: Having been engaged in the wire rope industry for many years, our rich experience can better help you solve the problems you encounter.
2. Профессиональная команда: independent international sales and service team to provide you with the most professional and reliable services
3. Широкие возможности настройки: Provide customized products and services according to your needs. Which can meet your unique needs and preferences and provide you with tailor-made solutions.
4. Опыт экспорта: Наши тросы из оцинкованной стали широко экспортируются во многие страны и регионы., получение положительных отзывов от многих клиентов
5. Комплексные услуги: Помимо продуктовых услуг, we will assist you in solving logistics problems to ensure that the wire rope can reach your hands in a timely and safe manner.

Опыт экспорта

Наши стальные тросы широко экспортируются в Россию., Япония, Канада, Бразилия, Мексика, Европа, Австралия и другие страны.

Стремясь обеспечить высококачественную и конкурентоспособную продукцию, поднимающую цены., помогаем вам снизить затраты, решение ваших проблем с подъемом.

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