왓츠앱: +86 18232503693 lily@connect-knkt.com
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왜 우리를 선택 했습니까

완전한 제품 다양성: Wide range of products to choose from.

고품질: Strict quality control to ensure product quality.

전문 팀: Well experienced colleagues will help you.

빠른 반응: Leave messages or call us directly for a quick response.

What we have product

What we can do for you

We provide professional product knowledge and sales skills training for agents and distributors, professional technical team support to improve the professional level of agents; help customers to expand the local market.

We provide information support to our clients: we can provide timely information on the market and industry to help our clients better understand market trends and competitive dynamics and provide decision support.

The company provides preferential pricing policy for agents, according to the sales performance of agents to give the corresponding price support.

We support agents and distributors to provide small trial purchases, which can be used to make further decisions based on the trial purchase results.

Our service

1.Use our brand to provide sling sales services to customers in the responsible area;

2.Formulate and implement strategies to achieve market conditions that can reflect the direction of products;

3.Communicate with us regularly, timely and effectively, including the sharing of market information such as sales plan, sales situation, end customer feedback, 등. We will provide you with professional sales strategy suggestions according to the changing market situation.

Everything you need, you can contact us.