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Selempang Anyaman Pengangkat Badan Lebar

Selempang Anyaman Pengangkat Badan Lebar

Wide body lifting webbing slings are designed for heavy-duty lifting, it ensures safe and efficient handling of loads. Upgrade your lifting operations. Especially suitable for oil pipelines, large diameter thin-walled pipes and electric fan blades lifting

Bahan: Poliester Berkualitas Tinggi(PES)
Batas Beban Kerja: 1ton to 30ton
Faktor Keamanan: 6:1
Panjang: customized length available
Bnadwidth: 50mm to 600mm
Aplikasi: jaringan pipa minyak, large diameter thin-walled pipes and electric fan blades lifting.


1.Wide body lifting sling are soft and lightweight, mudah digunakan, dengan permukaan penahan beban yang lebar, itu dapat mengurangi tekanan beban permukaan, tidak membahayakan kargo.
2.Kekuatan tinggi dan beban kerja tinggi, pengangkatan yang mulus dan aman.
3.Meningkatkan efisiensi tenaga kerja, dapat diandalkan dan hemat biaya.
4.Terbuat dari bahan sintetis tahan lama yang tahan terhadap abrasi, korosi, dan cuaca
5.Fleksibilitas dan serbaguna serta dapat digunakan dalam berbagai penggunaan pengangkatan.


Wide body webbing lifting slings are suitable for lifting operations in various industries.

Wide body webbing slings are using in warehouse and logistics operations to lift and move heavy objects such as pallets, barrels, crates and machinery.

Used in manufacturing facilities to lift and move large machinery, equipment or components during production processes.

Wide body slings also widely using in the construction industry for hoisting and fixing heavy building materials such as steel beams.

Used in the shipping and transport industry to secure cargo containers, mesin, vehicles and other heavy items during transport by land, sea or air.


In the material handling and lifting industries, choosing the right lifting products is critical to ensuring operational safety and efficiency. Wide body webbing slings are popular across industries as a sturdy and reliable option.

Wide body webbing slings are made of high-quality polyester or nylon webbing materials. With a wider body, the increased contact area reduces the risk of the suspended object slipping or shifting during lifting. Thereby enhancing stability during lifting.

Enhanced protection: The surface of the webbing is protected by a protective cover, which effectively prevents the hanging object from being scratched and damaged.

Multiple configurations: Wide body lifting slings come in different lengths and weight capacities to meet different lifting requirements.

Seni. TIDAK.Batas Beban Kerja
Band Width
Panjang Mata


Increased load capacity
Designed with a wider bandwidth, it can withstand heavier hoisting loads, making it easier to lift large cargo.
Greater Durability
Wide-body webbing slings, made from high-quality materials with excellent wear, tear, and stretch resistance, ensure long-lasting performance in harsh environments.
Wide-body slings offer flexibility for different operational needs, allowing their use in a variety of lifting applications, from construction and manufacturing to transportation and logistics.
Easy to Handle
The wider design is easier to handle and operate, allowing workers to secure and release loads more efficiently, saving time and labor costs.
Enhanced Safety
By providing a safe and stable lifting solution, wide-body webbing slings help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries associated with unstable or moving loads, thereby promoting a safer work environment.

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