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Tali Ratchet Dengan Kait J Ganda

Tali Ratchet Dengan Kait J Ganda

A ratchet strap with double J hooks is a type of cargo securing device commonly used in transportation and logistics industries. It has closed double J hook at both ends. So as to safely and securely fasten loads during transportation.

1. Memutuskan Beban: From 0.8Ton to 10Ton
2. Bahan Tali Sabuk: 100% Poliester Berkualitas Tinggi (Or PP)
3. Roda bergigi searah: Multiful choice for the ratchet. Misalnya, with Plastic handle, Aluminum handle, Steel handle, dll..
4. Kait: With closed double J hook at both ends.
5. Disesuaikan: Mendukung panjang yang disesuaikan, roda bergigi searah, dan kait berdasarkan kegunaan dan permintaan yang berbeda.
6. Lakukan Standar: BS EN 12195-2
7. Sertifikat: CE, GS


The ratchet strap with double J hooks are reliable, versatile, and easy-to-use cargo securing devices. It provides a safe and efficient solution for transporting loads securely. Their durable construction, adjustable length, and secure attachment make them essential tools for ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of goods.

1. Ketegangan tinggi, perpanjangan rendah, keamanan, volume kecil, ringan, nyaman untuk dibawa.
2. Mudah dioperasikan: penguncian otomatis dan pelepasan jempol cepat
3. Cost effective, durable, tahan korosi, ratchet baja berlapis seng & Perlengkapan J-hook tersedia
4. Itu ratchet strap belt can customerized with different special characteristics. Misalnya, kekuatan tinggi, flame retardant, anti – tergelincir, memakai – tahan, acid and alkali resistant, tahan suhu tinggi, fluorescent, dll..
5. J hook ratchet strap has a wide range of applications, seperti: lashing, mengikat dan bahkan menyelamatkan trailer selama transportasi.
6. The most attractive feature is that support sesuaikan tali ratchet whatever you want to meet your different requirements.


Double J hook ratchet strap are versatile and widely using for securing a wide variety of loads. Misalnya, including equipment, mesin, furniture, and other cargo. They are commonly using in construction, manufaktur, pertanian, logistik dan industri lainnya.

As well as for lashing, mengikat dan bahkan menyelamatkan trailer selama transportasi. Especially while transporting, bergerak, loading and warehousing for keep the goods stable or fix the goods while transporting by truck, kereta api dan kapal.


Ratchet strap with J hooks are tie-down straps that use a ratchet mechanism that is cranked to tighten the strap and hold cargo in place. Banyak digunakan saat mengangkut, bergerak, pemuatan dan pergudangan untuk menjaga kestabilan barang atau memperbaiki barang selama diangkut dengan truk,kereta api dan kapal.

Seni. TIDAK.Memutuskan Beban
Panjang total
Catatan: Panjangnya dapat disesuaikan sesuai permintaan Anda


1. Double J Hook Design
Provides two points of contact for securing the load. Enhancing stability and preventing slippage or shifting during transit. It offers more secure attachment, especially for heavy or irregularly shaped loads.

2. Wide Usages
Ratchet strap with double J hooks are highly versatile and widely using in various applications and industries. Whether securing equipment on a trailer, anchoring cargo in a warehouse, or tying down furniture during a move, these straps can accommodate a wide range of load sizes and shapes.

3. Hemat Biaya, Easy to Operate
The ratcheting mechanism allows for quick and effortless tightening, while the double J hooks provide convenient anchor points for attachment.

4. Kekuatan dan Daya Tahan
These straps providing excellent strength, daya tahan, and resistance to abrasion and weathering. They can withstand heavy loads and harsh environmental conditions, ensuring reliable performance in demanding applications.

Proses Manufaktur

Proses produksi:Bahan Baku—Tenun—Pencelupan—Pemotongan—Menjahit —Pengujian—Pengemasan

Raw Material SelectionSebelum produksi, select raw material yarn undergo strict testing to make sure the high quality. As well as good strength, fleksibilitas, and resistance to abrasion and weathering.
MenenunRaw materials are processed to make the webbing belt. From yarns weaving them into a tight, strong fabric.
PencelupanSesuai dengan kebutuhan yang berbeda, mewarnai sabuk anyaman menjadi berbagai warna.
PemotonganOnce the webbing belt ready, cut into strips of the desired width and length using cutting machines.
Menjahit dan PerakitanAssembling the components of the ratchet straps. Memasang mekanisme ratchet, kait, dan perangkat keras lainnya ke strip anyaman.
PengujianQuality control is an essential part of the manufacturing process. Each ratchet strap undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that its safety and performance.
KemasanSetelah tali ratchet lolos pemeriksaan kontrol kualitas, mereka dikemas dan disiapkan untuk pengiriman.


Kemasan standar ekspor: Kemasan film menyusut panas + Karton + Palet

Atau Hubungi kami untuk kemasan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan

Ekspor Pengalaman

Bertujuan untuk menyediakan produk pengangkat harga yang berkualitas tinggi dan kompetitif. Untuk membantu Anda mengurangi biaya, memecahkan masalah pengangkatan Anda.

Pasar utama: Amerika, Kanada, Meksiko, Timur Tengah, Afrika, Australia, Rusia, Eropa, Jepang, Vietnam, India, dll.

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