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Selempang Anyaman Tipe Mata Tugas Berat

Selempang Anyaman Tipe Mata Tugas Berat

Heavy eye webbing sling is robust and durable lifting sling made ot high-quality polyester or nylon materials. They are designed with reinforced “mata” on each end, providing a secure and sturdy anchor point for attaching lifting hooks, belenggu, or other hardware.
1. Bahan: 100% Poliester berkualitas tinggi
2. Faktor Keamanan: 5:1, 6:1, 7:1
3. Sertifikasi: Lakukan dengan standar EN, standar Amerika, Standar Australia. Produk dengan sertifikasi CE GS.
4. Kualitas tinggi: Kontrol kualitas yang ketat, Laporan pengujian resmi dapat diberikan.
5. Keunggulan Produk: Kekuatan tinggi, anti- tergelincir, memakai- tahan, tahan suhu tinggi, lembut, lampu, tidak membahayakan kargo, keamanan, panjang umur, dll..
6. Penggunaan: Used with cranes, kerekan, or other lifting equipment to safely lift and move heavy objects such as machinery, steel beams, containers, or large equipment.

Webbing Sling Features

When it comes to heavy-duty lifting operations, having the right equipment is crucial for ensuring safety and efficiency. Heavy duty eye webbing sling have emerged as a top choice in the material handling industry for their exceptional reliability and strength.

High Weight Capacity: Heavy eye webbing slings to handle substantial loads, making them ideal for heavy-duty lifting applications.
Excellent Flexibility: Despite their strength, these slings remain flexible, allowing for easy maneuverability around the load.
Cut and Abrasion Resistance: The webbing material used in heavy eye slings is resistant to cuts and abrasions, ensuring a longer lifespan.
UV Resistance: Heavy eye webbing sling has the advantage of resist UV rays, making them suitable for outdoor use.


Usages: To carry, mengangkat, tow or pull loads from the weight of 2 tons ~ 24 ton. Mereka dibedakan berdasarkan warna gendongannya.

Heavy-duty webbing sling using together with cranes, kerekan, or other lifting equipment to safely lift and move heavy objects such as machinery, steel beams, containers, or large equipment.

Each heavy-duty sling has a specific weight capacity, which should never be exceeded. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure the sling’s working load limit (Baiklah) matches the weight of the load being lifted.


Dengan fitur kekuatan tinggi dan beban kerja yang tinggi, lembut dan ringan, tidak membahayakan kargo, keamanan, tidak konduktif, umur panjang, produk banyak digunakan dalam pengangkatan, mengikat, perbaikan dan operasi lainnya.

Batas Beban Kerja
Kira-kira Lebar(mm)Panjang Minimal
Panjang Mata


1. Superior Strength and Reliability
The primary advantage of heavy eye webbing slings is their exceptional strength and reliability. They can withstand the rigors of heavy lifting tasks without compromising safety.

2. Versatility in Heavy Lifting Operations
Heavy eye webbing slings find applications in a wide range of heavy lifting operations, termasuk konstruksi, manufaktur, pembuatan kapal, dan banyak lagi.

3. Mengurangi Risiko Kerusakan Beban
The soft and smooth surface of heavy eye webbing slings protects the load from scratches and dents, reducing the risk of damage during lifting.

4. Cost-Effective Solution
While heavy eye webbing slings might have a higher upfront cost, their long lifespan and reusability make them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Heavy eye webbing slings are a reliable and robust solution for heavy-duty lifting tasks. Their strength, fleksibilitas, and load protection capabilities make them indispensable in various industries. Dengan mengikuti pedoman penggunaan dan pemeliharaan yang benar, businesses can ensure the longevity and safety of their heavy eye webbing slings, making them a valuable asset in their material handling operations.

Sedang mengemas

webbing sling belt

sabuk selempang anyaman

Paket standar ekspor: Kemasan film menyusut panas + Karton + Palet
ATAU Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan kemasan khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda yang berbeda
webbing sling 5 ton

Proses Manufaktur

Proses produksi: Menenun —Mewarnai —Menjahit —Bersih & besi—Rekaman—Produk Jadi

webbing sling 3 ton

selempang anyaman 3 ton

Kapasitas produksi: Kami dapat menghasilkan produk yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai aplikasi dan kebutuhan pelanggan.

ukuran webbing sling

Ekspor Kasus

Pasar ekspor utama: Products exported all over the world, seperti Rusia, Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Brazil, Meksiko, Eropa, Australia, Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, dll., dengan pengalaman ekspor penuh dan tim profesional untuk membantu Anda memecahkan masalah pengangkatan!

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