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Selempang Bulat Pelindung Tipe Mata (Kebiasaan)

Selempang Bulat Pelindung Tipe Mata (Kebiasaan)

Mata dan mata sling bulat are an essential part of the lifting and rigging equipment, with eye loops at both ends. It offers unparalleled versatility and reliability. Made from durable synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon, these slings are engineered to provide maximum strength while ensuring safety during lifting operations.

Batas Beban Kerja: 1ton ke 50 ton
Bahan: 100% poliester tegangan tinggi(PES)
Faktor keamanan: biasanya diadopsi 6:1 atau 7:1
Lakukan standar: EN1492-2
Kustomisasi: panjang yang disesuaikan, warna, sedang mengemas
Sertifikat: CE GS


Eye Type Polyester Round Sling is a reliable and sturdy lifting solution for you. Making from high quality PES material, designed to carry heavy loads with ease. Whether you’re lifting industrial equipment or securing construction materials, our eye & eye round slings ensure optimal performance. Sturdy and durable construction guarantees a long service life, making it a cost-effective investment for your lifting needs.

Konstruksi tahan lama: Mata dan mata sling bulat are constructed from high-quality synthetic materials. For superior durability, ensuring longevity and reliability in even the most demanding work environments.

Flexible Design: With their flexible construction, these slings can easily adapt to the shape of the load. Minimizing stress concentration points and ensuring safe lifting without causing damage to the cargo.

Reinforced Eyelets: These gendongan feature reinforced eyelets on both ends for easy attachment to hooks, belenggu, or other rigging hardware for increased ease and efficiency of operation.


The eye and eye round slings are commonly used in a variety of industries (pengolahan mesin, bongkar muat pelabuhan, teknik Kelautan, pengiriman, kekuatan, angkutan, luar angkasa, dll.) untuk mengangkat beban berat atau untuk mengamankan beban di tempatnya.
Particularly popular used for lifting, menarik, bundling, fixed and other operations in machining, port handling, teknik Kelautan, ship, tenaga listrik, angkutan, aerospace and other fields.

eye and eye type round sling, polyester roung sling, endless round slings


If you’re looking for a reliable and sturdy lifting solution, look no further than our Eye to Eye round slings. With the highest quality materials, this sling designing to carry heavy loads with ease.

Whether you’re lifting industrial equipment or securing construction materials, our Eye to Eye polyester round sling ensure optimal performance. Rugged and durable construction guarantees a long service life, making it a cost-effective choice for your lifting needs. With safety as our top priority, slings are rigorously tested and meet industry standards, giving you peace of mind with every lifting operation.

Provide technical support and can be disesuaikan according to your different needs

Mata & Selempang Bulat Mata
Seni. TIDAK.Batas Beban Kerja
Kira-kira Lebar
Panjang Minimal


The advantages of using eye and eye polyester round slings are indispensable in the lifting and lifting industry, providing many benefits that increase safety, efficiency and productivity. Designed to be precise and durable, these slings provide a reliable method of lifting and transporting heavy loads in various industrial sectors.

Keserbagunaan. Able to accommodate loads of different shapes, sizes and weights, these slings provide a flexible lifting solution for a variety of applications.

Easy to operate and improve operating efficiency.

Keamanan. A reliable way to lift while minimizing the risk of accidents or equipment failure.


Paket standar ekspor: Kemasan film menyusut panas + Karton + Palet
ATAU Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan kemasan khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda yang berbeda

Mata & Eye Round Slings, Polyester Round Sling, ROUND SLINGS – EYE LOOP

Proses produksi

Proses manufaktur:Beam warping—Weaving —Dyeing —Cutting—Filling—Sewing —Clean & iron—Finished products—Packing

Kapasitas produksi: Kami dapat menghasilkan produk yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai aplikasi dan kebutuhan pelanggan.

Kekuatan Perusahaan / Keuntungan

1. Peralatan Manufaktur Tingkat Lanjut: Mesin tenun Swiss Muller, Mesin pencelupan Jerman, Mesin jahit otomatis Jepang, dll..
2. Kapasitas produksi: Pabrik selempang tekstil adalah basis besar untuk produksi sabuk selempang pengangkat, pemeriksaan kualitas dan pengepakan, dengan kapasitas produksi lebih dari 20,000t.
3.Berpengalaman: OEM bertahun-tahun&Pengalaman manufaktur ODM, Mendukung produk yang disesuaikan.
4. Tempat tes: Memiliki alat uji untuk memeriksa dan menguji batas beban kerja polyester webbing sling, beban putus dan aspek lainnya. Dalam aspek lainnya, menawarkan laporan pengujian resmi untuk bahan logam, produk logam, bahan baja, tali serat sintetis, alat pengangkat, dan penjepit, dll..

Ekspor Kasus

Pasar ekspor utama: Produk yang sangat populer diekspor ke seluruh dunia, seperti Rusia, Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Brazil, Meksiko, Eropa, Australia, Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, dll., dengan pengalaman ekspor penuh dan tim profesional untuk membantu Anda memecahkan masalah pengangkatan!

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