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Endless Loop Ratchet Tie Down Straps

Endless Loop Ratchet Tie Down Straps

The endless loop cargo strap consist of one strap belt and one ratchet, without hook at ends. A versatile and reliable tool designed for secure cargo transportation and tie-down applications.

1. Strap Width: From 25mm to100mm
2. Memutuskan Beban: From 0.8ton to 10ton
3. Strap Material: 100% Poliester Berkualitas Tinggi
4. Roda bergigi searah: Different type of ratchet, with steel handle, aluminum handle, dll..
5. Disesuaikan: Mendukung panjang yang disesuaikan, roda bergigi searah, and hooks to meet your different needs.
6. Standar: DI DALAM 12195-2, AS/NZS438, American Standard.


An endless loop ratchet tie down straps is a cargo strap with one ratchet and one belt. But do not have any hooks (end fittings) at the end. Ini memberikan kekuatan tugas berat dan sedikit peregangan untuk memastikan muatan aman untuk diamankan. Endless Loop Straps are designing for securing cargo together, di rak atap, atau muatan di atas palet untuk menahannya selama transit.

1. Endless Loop Design: Forms a strap with one ratchet, and without any hooks, providing flexibility in securing various types of cargo and eliminating the need for additional hardware.

2. Keserbagunaan: Its hook-free design allows for more versatile applications. You can wrap the strap around irregularly shaped items or anchor points without limitations imposed by hook sizes or shapes.

3. Secure Fastening: With a reliable ratchet mechanism, it offers precise tension control and ensures a tight and secure hold on the cargo, minimizing the risk of shifting or damage during transport.


Widely used for lashing, mengikat dan bahkan menyelamatkan trailer selama transportasi, terutama saat mengangkut, bergerak, pemuatan dan pergudangan untuk menjaga kestabilan barang atau memperbaiki barang selama diangkut dengan truk, kereta api dan kapal.

Whether you’re securing equipment on a truck bed, securing luggage on a roof rack, or tying down cargo in a trailer, the endless loop cargo strap without hooks offers a reliable solution for your cargo securing needs.


1. Daya tahan: Constructed from high-quality, heavy-duty webbing material, these straps are built to withstand the rigors of transportation, resisting tears, abrasion, and weather exposure for long-lasting performance.

2. Easy To Operate: The ratchet mechanism makes tightening and releasing the strap quick and effortless. Its user-friendly design simplifies the process of securing and unloading cargo, saving time and effort.

3. Keamanan: With its dependable locking mechanism, it helps prevent accidental release of tension, enhancing safety during transit and handling.

4. Compact Storage: When not in use, the compact and lightweight design of these straps makes them easy to store, whether in a vehicle, workshop, or storage area.


Endless cargo straps (tie-down straps), are commonly used for securing heavy loads during transportation or for other purposes.

Ratchet straps feature a ratcheting mechanism that allows for tight and secure tensioning of the strap.

Endless Loop Ratchet Tie Down Straps
Seni. TIDAK.Memutuskan Beban
Catatan: Panjangnya dapat disesuaikan sesuai permintaan Anda


Sedang mengemas

Kemasan standar ekspor: Kemasan film menyusut panas + Karton + Palet

Atau Hubungi kami untuk kemasan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan

Manufacturing Precess

Proses produksiBahan Baku—Tenun—Pencelupan—Pemotongan—Menjahit —Pengujian—Pengemasan
1. Raw Material Selection: Raw material yarn undergo strict testing before production to make sure the high quality.
2. Menenun: Benang bahan baku diolah untuk dijadikan anyaman sabuk.
3. Pencelupan: Sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang berbeda, mewarnai sabuk anyaman menjadi berbagai warna.
4. Pemotongan: Potong menjadi tali sesuai panjang yang dibutuhkan menggunakan mesin pemotong otomatis.
5. Menjahit dan Perakitan: Memasang mekanisme ratchet, kait, dan perangkat keras lainnya ke strip anyaman.
6. Pengujian: Lakukan pengujian ketat untuk memastikan keamanan dan kinerjanya.
7. Kemasan: Setelah tali ratchet lolos pemeriksaan kontrol kualitas, mereka dikemas dan disiapkan untuk pengiriman.

Ekspor Pengalaman

Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun di industri ini, pasar utama kami termasuk: Amerika, Kanada, Meksiko, Timur Tengah, Afrika, Australia, Rusia, Eropa, Jepang, Vietnam, India, dll..

Bertujuan untuk menyediakan tali kargo berkualitas tinggi dan harga yang kompetitif. Untuk membantu Anda mengurangi biaya, dan menangani masalah pengikatan kargo dengan lebih baik selama transportasi atau pemindahan.

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