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6×19M FC IWRC WSC Kabel Tali Kawat Baja

6×19M FC IWRC WSC Kabel Tali Kawat Baja

1. Konstruksi Tali: 6×19M-FC, 6×19M-WSC, 6×19M-IWRC

2. Permukaan: Galvanis / Tidak Galvanis (Terang)

3. Diameter Nominal Tali: 9mm~120mm

4. Kekuatan Tarik Nominal: 1570Mpa~1960Mpa

5. Sedang mengemas: Biasanya 1000m/gulungan. (Dapat disesuaikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan yang berbeda)

6. Standar: Melakukan standar nasional dan internasional, GB/T20118, DI DALAM, gost, API.


Itu “6x19M” steel wire rope cable designation signifies the rope’s construction. In this case, it consists of six strands, masing-masing berisi 19 kabel individu. In a full range of different types and diameters. Misalnya, 6×19M-FC, 6×19M-WSC, 6×19M-IWRC. Sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda, provide technical support, support customizations.

1. Bahan: Making of high-quality steel, typically carbon steel or stainless steel. It depends on different intended application. Di samping itu, carbon steel offers strength and durability, while stainless steel provides corrosion resistance. Making it suitable for marine or outdoor environments.

2. Kekuatan: Steel wire rope cables has exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. The 6x19M configuration offers considerable tensile strength, making it suitable for lifting, laberang, and other heavy-duty applications.

3. Fleksibilitas: Despite its strength, the 6x19M construction provides reasonable flexibility. Allowing it to bend and conform to various shapes without compromising its structural integrity. This flexibility is crucial for applications that require maneuverability and ease of handling.

4. Daya tahan: Steel wire rope cables can withstand harsh environmental conditions, abrasion, and heavy loads over extended periods. Juga, the 6x19M configuration ensures durability and reliability, minimizing the risk of premature failure.


Depending on the industry and application, the 6x19M steel wire rope should meet specific standards or certifications for safety and quality assurance. Wire rope cables can perform both national and international standards based on customers’ meminta. Seperti GB/T20118, DI DALAM, gost, API.

Diameter Tali
Berat Referensi Tali
Kelas Tali
Kekuatan Putus Minimum Tali Kawat Baja (buku)


Kekuatan tinggi: The 6x19M construction wire rope provides excellent tensile strength. Withstand heavy loads and stresses without deformation or failure. This makes it suitable for lifting, mengangkat, and towing applications where strength is crucial.

Fleksibilitas: 6x19M steel wire rope cables maintains flexibility, enabling it to bend and conform to various shapes and angles. This flexibility is essential for applications that require maneuverability and the ability to navigate around obstacles.

Abrasion Resistance: The design of the 6x19M configuration enhances its resistance to abrasion, memakai, dan kelelahan. This is particularly advantageous in applications where the wire rope comes into contact with rough surfaces or undergoes repetitive bending. Reducing the risk of damage and extending its service life.

Ease of Handling: Despite its strength and durability, the 6x19M steel wire rope cable is relatively lightweight and easy to handle. This makes it convenient for installation, angkutan, and maintenance. Reducing labor costs and improving overall efficiency.

Efektivitas biaya: Due to its durability, longevity, dan karakteristik kinerja, the 6x19M steel wire rope offers excellent value for money over its service life. Its ability to withstand heavy loads and harsh conditions reduces the need for frequent replacements. And minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.


The 6x19M steel wire rope cable is versatile. It has a wide range of applications, termasuk mengangkat, mengangkat, tarikan, dan suspensi. It is commonly found in construction, pertambangan, maritim, angkutan, and industrial settings.

Di samping itu, it compatible with various fittings, attachments, and accessories, allowing for customization based on specific requirements. So, the versatility enables it to be used with different types of machinery and lifting equipment.

Proses Manufaktur

Pertama, Gambar Batang Kawat: Menggambar melalui serangkaian cetakan untuk mengurangi diameter ke pelanggan’ persyaratan.

Kemudian, Tali Kawat Terdampar: Beberapa kabel terdampar dan dipelintir menjadi satu untuk membentuk kabel tali kawat.

Berikutnya, Pengobatan permukaan: Tergantung pada permintaan dan aplikasi spesifik, seperti pelumasan oli atau tali kawat yang cerah atau galvanis.

Terakhir, tetapi tidak kalah penting: Pengujian dan Kontrol Kualitas: Lakukan pengujian yang ketat sebelum dikirim ke pelanggan. Untuk memastikan kekuatannya, daya tahan, dan karakteristik kinerja.

Akhirnya, Pengepakan Dan Siap Untuk Pengiriman.

Sampel Pengepakan

Kemasan standar ekspor: Gulungan Kayu dan Gulungan Roda Baja

Atau Hubungi kami untuk kemasan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan

Mengapa memilih kami?

1. Variasi produk yang lengkap: Mampu mensuplai tali kawat baja terang atau galvanis dengan diameter berbeda, struktur, dan penggunaan.
2. Standar: Melakukan standar nasional dan internasional, seperti GB/T20118, DI DALAM , gost, API.
3. Berpengalaman: Penjualan profesional dan berpengalaman penuh dapat membantu Anda memecahkan kesulitan. Untuk menemukan jenis tali kawat yang paling disukai, lebih baik penuhi permintaanmu.
4. Kualitas tinggi: Kontrol kualitas yang ketat sebelumnya, dalam dan setelah produksi.
5. Respon cepat, Pengiriman cepat: Jika ada pertanyaan, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan atau menghubungi kami secara langsung.

Ekspor Pengalaman

Tali kawat baja kami banyak diekspor, Misalnya, ke Rusia, Jepang, Kanada, Brazil, Meksiko, Eropa, Australia dan negara-negara lain.

Bertujuan untuk memberikan kualitas tinggi dan harga yang kompetitif mengangkat produk. Untuk membantu Anda mengurangi biaya, memecahkan masalah pengangkatan Anda.

Tinggalkan pesan Anda