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1×7 Tali Kawat Untai Bulat

1×7 Tali Kawat Untai Bulat

1×7 Round Strand Steel Wire Rope ith its high strength and reliability plays an important role in the realm of industrial materials. Comprising a single strand with seven wires wound around a central core, it embodies simplicity yet offers unparalleled resilience. Crafted from high-grade steel through precision manufacturing processes, it is engineered to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty applications with ease.

1. Jenis Tali: Tali Kawat Baja Untai Tunggal
2. Konstruksi Tali: 1X7
3. Diameter: 6mm~16mm
4. Kekuatan Tarik Nominal: 1570Mpa~1770Mpa
(Kekuatan tarik yang dapat disesuaikan agar sesuai dengan aplikasi dan kondisi pengoperasian tertentu.)
5. Aplikasi: It is used in large-scale field structure parts, suspension cables and tension tower. Stadium structural parts, kabel suspensi, anggota ketegangan, jalur kabel, dll.
6. Kepatuhan terhadap standar internasional memastikan kualitas dan kinerja yang konsisten.


This 1×7 round strand steel wire rope make of high-grade steel through precision manufacturing processes. It has a myriad of features as following:

1. High tensile strength and resistance to abrasion ensure longevity and reliability.
2. Flexibility and firmness enables it to endure extreme heavy loads and harsh environments.
3. Consistent diameter and construction ensure good performance in applications.
4. Ketahanan korosi yang baik dan dapat bekerja secara normal di lingkungan yang keras dengan berbagai media berbahaya.
5. Kelembutan yang bagus, cocok untuk traksi, menarik, pengikatan dan tujuan lainnya
6. Available in various categories tailored to specific needs
7 Kepatuhan terhadap standar internasional memastikan kualitas dan kinerja yang konsisten.


1×7 tali kawat baja: a versatile and robust solution desighing to meet the demands of various industrial applications.
Manufacturing with high-quality steel and featuring a single strand with seven wires wound around a central core, this steel wire rope offers unparalleled strength and durability.
Its simple yet effective design ensures reliable performance in lifting, laberang, and other heavy-duty operations.

Diameter nominal tali kawat
Perkiraan massa panjang nominal
Kekuatan Tarik Nominal
Kekuatan putus minimum tali kawat


With its excellent tensile strength and abrasion resistance, 1×7 wire rope is a reliable product when facing challenging environments.
It is used in large-scale field structure parts, suspension cables and tension tower. Stadium structural parts, kabel suspensi, anggota ketegangan, jalur kabel, dll.

Lifting and rigging operations: in construction sites and industrial facilities.
Cable railing systems: for architectural and infrastructure projects.
Mooring and towing: in maritime activities, ensuring secure anchoring and maneuverability.

Whether used for construction, offshore activities or building projects, this wire rope is the first choice of many customers and can help you achieve safe operations and increase operational efficiency. Just choose the 1×7 wire rope that suits your industrial needs.

Proses Manufaktur

Proses manufaktur: 1×7 round strand wire rope is available in a variety of categories and is tailoring to specific needs, following a strict manufacturing process:
High-quality steel wire is drawn to precise dimensions.
Wrap the wire around the center core with utmost precision and uniformity.
Heat treated to enhance strength, flexibility and fatigue resistance.
Inspection and Testing: Once the rope is assembled, it undergoes a series of inspections and tests to ensure it meets the specified quality standards.
Finishing: After passing inspection and testing, the finished wire rope may
Packaging and Shipping
There are a variety of specifications to choose from: diameters from 1mm to 36mm, customizable tensile strength and other aspects to meet your different needs.

Sampel Pengepakan

Kemasan standar ekspor: Gulungan Kayu / Gulungan Roda Baja

Atau Hubungi kami untuk kemasan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan

Mengapa memilih kami?

Tell us your specific needs, and we will help you solve the remaining problems, aiming to provide you with high-quality products and reliable services:
1. Pengalaman yang kaya: Having been engaged in the wire rope industry for many years, our rich experience can better help you solve the problems you encounter.
2. Tim profesional: independent international sales and service team to provide you with the most professional and reliable services
3. Kemampuan penyesuaian yang kuat: Provide customized products and services according to your needs, which can meet your unique needs and preferences and provide you with tailor-made solutions.
4. Ekspor pengalaman: Our 1×7 round strand wire rope is widely exported to many countries and regions, memenangkan umpan balik positif dari banyak pelanggan
5. Layanan lengkap: Selain layanan produk, we will assist you in solving logistics problems to ensure that the wire rope can reach your hands in a timely and safe manner.

Ekspor Pengalaman

Tali kawat kami yang dipadatkan banyak diekspor ke Rusia, Jepang, Kanada, Brazil, Meksiko, Eropa, Australia dan negara-negara lain.

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