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Customer first, reasonable prices, Best services Eight series of products, over 60+ products to choose from Help you find the lifting products that best meet your needs and achieve easy lifting.
Company profile
Hebei Hubungkan Perdagangan Co, Ltd, terletak di Kota Baoding, Provinsi Hebei, pemasok profesional semua jenis produk pengangkat dan tali-temali. With years of experience, we gradually formulate a wide business line: sling tekstil, selempang anyaman, selempang bulat, tali ratchet, tali tambatan, tali kawat baja, kerekan rantai, forklift, truk palet tangan, rantai, belenggu, tautan lift, dll.. Adhere to customer first, understand customer needs, aiming to help you solve all confusions and problems before, during and after the sales, provide high quality, competitive price products and best services.
Products you can choose from
Textile slings, selempang anyaman, selempang bulat, tali ratchet, tali tambatan, tali kawat baja, kerekan rantai, forklift, truk palet tangan, rantai, belenggu, tautan lift, dll..
8 Series Of Products
Over 60+ Produk
CE, GS Certificate
Harga bersaing
Pengiriman cepat
Tim profesional & service
Professional international sales&service team, which has many years of industry experience, full understanding of the product and market, adhere to customer first, aiming to help you solve all confusions and problems before, during and after the sales, provide high quality products and best services.
Profesional Well experienced team
Quick response 24 jam daring

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