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1×37 Rundstrang-Drahtseil

1×37 Rundstrang-Drahtseil

Die 1×37 steel wire rope construction provides superior tensile strength, making it ideal for lifting and securing heavy objects. Made from high-quality steel, our wire ropes are built to withstand harsh environmental conditions and rigorous use, Gewährleistung einer dauerhaften Leistung. Gleichzeitig, the 1×37 design also provides reasonable flexibility for easy handling and adaptability to different rigging configurations.

1. Seiltyp: Einsträngiges Stahldrahtseil
2. Seilbau: 1X37
3. Durchmesser: 10mm~42mm
4. Nennzugfestigkeit: 1570Mpa~1770Mpa
(Anpassbare Zugfestigkeit für spezifische Anwendungen und Betriebsbedingungen.)
5. Anwendung: It is used in large-scale field structure parts, suspension cables and tension tower. Stadium structural parts, Aufhängungskabel, Zugglieder, Seilbahnen, usw
6. Die Einhaltung internationaler Standards gewährleistet gleichbleibende Qualität und Leistung.


1×37 steel wire rope is a very popular structure primarily for zip lines in a variety of fields.
Die 1×37’s excellent breaking load capacity and its smooth surface increase speed and smoothness in zipline applications.
1×37 wire rope means it consists of one strand with 37 einzelne Drähte. This configuration provides high strength and durability.

> Stärke: Due to its multi-strand single strand construction, 1×37 wire rope is widely using in various industries due to its excellent tensile strength.
> Flexibilität: While not as flexible as ropes with more strands, such as 7×7 or 7×19 structural wire rope, 1×37 wire rope still offers reasonable flexibility, allowing it to adapt to a variety of rigging and hoisting scenarios.
> Corrosion Resistant: Wire ropes are typically making of galvanized steel or stainless steel, which provides corrosion resistance and ensures longevity even in harsh environments.
> Anwendungen: This type of wire rope also can using in industries such as construction, Versand, mining and transportation. It is commonly used for lifting, Takelwerk, towing and securing heavy objects.
> Haltbarkeit: Steel wire rope is known for its durability and ability to withstand high loads and challenging conditions over long periods of time.


1×37 Wire rope is available in various diameters to suit different load capacities and applications.
Compared to ropes with more complex constructions, 1×37 steel wire rope often offers a cost-effective solution for applications that require high strength and durability.
Wire rope is often used for rigging tasks such as securing loads to vehicles, structures or other equipment. They provide reliable strength and stability for rigging operations in industries such as construction, mining and offshore.

Nenndurchmesser des Drahtseils
Ungefähre Nennlängenmasse
Mindestbruchkraft des Drahtseils


Die 1×37 type of round strand steel wire rope can be used in industries such as construction, Versand, mining and transportation. It is commonly used for lifting, Takelwerk, towing and securing heavy objects.

The single-strand construction with 37 individual wires provides excellent tensile strength. Making it suitable for heavy-duty lifting and rigging applications.

1×37 steel wire rope is to provide reliable strength, Haltbarkeit, and flexibility for a wide range of mechanical. Also industrial applications where heavy lifting, ziehen, securing, or support is required.


The manufacturing process of 1×37 wire rope involves multiple steps. In order to produce a high-quality product with the required strength, Flexibilität, und Haltbarkeit.
Zeichnung: This process begins by drawing high-quality steel wire rod through a series of dies to reduce its diameter and increase its length. This step ensures that the wire has the desired diameter and tensile strength.
Strandung: For 1×37 Stahldrahtseil, a single steel wire is using as the core. And a layer of 37 steel wires is spirally twisting around it. The stranding process involves feeding the individual wires into a stranding machine. Twising them together around the core to form a strand.
Heat treatment: After stranding, the wire rope may undergo a heat treatment process such as annealing. Or tempering to enhance its mechanical properties. Also including strength and ductility. Heat treatment helps relieve internal stress and improves the overall performance of the rope.
Oberflächenbehandlung: Depending on the intended application and environmental conditions, steel wire ropes can have surface treatments. For example galvanizing or coating to provide corrosion resistance and prevent wear and tear.
Inspektion und Prüfung: Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control measures are implemented. To ensure that wire ropes meet specific specifications and standards. This includes visual inspection, dimensional inspection and mechanical testing to verify strength, flexibility and other performance characteristics.
Verpackung und Versand: After the steel wire rope passes inspection and testing. Packing and ready for shipping to the destination according to customer requirements for use in various industrial applications.
Overall, the manufacturing process of 1×37 wire rope involves precision engineering and quality control. To produce a reliable product that meets the stringent requirements of lifting, Takelwerk, und andere schwere Anwendungen.


Standard-Exportverpackung: Holzrolle / Stahlradrolle

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Warum uns wählen?

Tell us your specific needs, and we will help you solve the remaining problems. Aiming to provide you with high-quality products and reliable services:
1. Reichhaltige Erfahrung: Having been engaged in the wire rope industry for many years, our rich experience can better help you solve the problems you encounter.
2. Professionelles Team: independent international sales and service team to provide you with the most professional and reliable services
3. Starke Anpassungsmöglichkeiten: Provide customized products and services according to your needs. Which can meet your unique needs and preferences and provide you with tailor-made solutions.
4. Exporterfahrung: Our 1×7 round strand wire rope is widely exported to many countries and regions, positives Feedback von vielen Kunden gewinnen
5. Komplette Dienstleistungen: Zusätzlich zu Produktdienstleistungen, we will assist you in solving logistics problems to ensure that the wire rope can reach your hands in a timely and safe manner.

Erfahrung exportieren

Unsere Stahldrahtseile werden in großem Umfang nach Russland exportiert, Japan, Kanada, Brasilien, Mexiko, Europa, Australien und andere Länder.

Ziel ist es, qualitativ hochwertige und preislich wettbewerbsfähige Produkte anzubieten, hilft Ihnen, Kosten zu senken, Lösung Ihrer Hebeprobleme.

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